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Шоу кружащихся дервишей в Каппадокии

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Шоу кружащихся дервишей в Каппадокии

    Cappadocia Whirling Dervish is a celestial and special show made in a Cappadocian stone carved or cave location. This ceremonial show represents the mystical journey of spiritual ascension towards perfection in love, abandonment of ego, and contemplation of truth. 

   Sufi’s accepted the idea of ​​getting up, moving and turning while listening to the Sema (an Arabic word with the meanings of “Sky”, “Heaven”, “Happiness”), vecd (an Arabic word for “Ecstasy”), music and poetry since the early days of Islam. Mevlevi order is a sect that developed after the death of Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi, who lived in the 13th century, based on his mystical thoughts. In Arabic “Semi” means hearing therewithal the metaphorical meanings of this word are song, melody, music and dance.

    In time, “Sema” became a name that corresponds to the Sufi’s listenings to poetry and hymns in a state of fascination, and the ecstasy they felt during this listenings and the way they recited dhikr while standing. Since the dervishes generally dance in circular motions during the Sema ritual, the sema is also called “devir” (cycle) or “deveran” (whirling). According to the understanding of Sufism, all the truths of the universe are heard during the Sema ritual, and those who perform this whirling ritual then try to behave and live as required by these truths.


Where are the Whirling Dervishes in Cappadocia?

The most famous and known whirling dervish shows in Cappadocia are made in the historical Saruhan Kervansaray or in Dervish Houses.

The Cappadocia Whirling Dervish Show starts just about 6 pm every day during the year.

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