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Türkische Nacht Show

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Türkische Nacht Show

  • Tätigkeit
  • 2 and a half hours average
  • 26. Juli - 31. Dezember
  • Max. Personen: 10
  • Min Age: 18+
  • Pick-up&Drop-off: Hotel on demand

What is a Turkish Night Show?


    The Turkish Night Show demonstrates the dance traditions of different regions of Turkey with traditional costumes and breathtaking belly dancers of course. These brisk performances are an alive and a kicking way to enjoy traditional Turkish music, dance and join in the performance during audience participation. Join to this entertaining show and as the Turkish people would say shed your maggots.

    Turkish Night Show events are important for Cappadocia due to the best examples of this event are held in Cappadocia comparing to the rest of Turkey. This evening extravaganza typically features traditional Turkish music made with traditional instruments, folk dances but the main highlight and attraction of this show are the inclusion of stirring belly dancing performances.

Importance of the Turkish Night Show:

Cultural Immersion: The event offers a deep dive in to Turkish culture, allowing visitors to experience traditional music, dances from all around Turkey, traditional, lithochromatic and diverse costumes firsthand.

Entertainment: This activity provides a lively and kicking evening, perfect for tourists looking to enjoy Turkish hospitality and delicacies.

Heritage Preservation: The show helps keeping Turkey’s cultural and traditional heritage alive while preserving and promoting traditional performances.

Key Elements of Turkish Night Show:

– Whirling Dervishes: A spiritual dance performed by Sufi practitioners.

– Belly Dancing: A captivating and energetic performance.

– Folk Dances: Traditional and essential dances showcasing Turkey’s diverse cultural accumulation.

– Live Traditional Music: Traditional instruments and folkloric songs.

What to wear at a Cappadocia Turkish Night Show?

    Although there are no strict and specific rules, the visitors are free to choose how and what they want their clothing to be, yet vibrant colors and rich patterns based on Turkish traditions will make you stand out on a Turkish Night Show. 

    Attending a Turkish Night Show is a must-do when visiting Turkey, especially in culturally rich regions like Cappadocia. It’s an unforgettable experience that combines entertainment, culture, and a taste of Turkish traditions nowhere to be found accept Turkey.

The reservation price may change on your Hotel pick up & drop off request.

The transfer price does not effect the number of people. Therefore, message us for any transfer requests while booking.

Im Preis inbegriffen

  • Soft drinks & local alcohol drinks
  • Snacks & appetizers
  • Abendessen
  • Steuer

How good is the quality and service of Turkish Night Show?

    Every year Cappadocia is visited by thousands of people and The Turkish Night Show is highly preffered by these visitors due to the top notch quality of the food, performances and services it includes. The traditional food and free beverages are the favorite inclusions of this event. 

What do the venues for this event look like?

    Venue features vary depending where the event is booked but due to the geomorhological characteristics of Cappadocia the places are generally aestheticly carved caves. Caves are most preferred venues for Turkish Night Shows due to their authentic and medieval looks, also caves due to their properties are cozy which make them a perfect place for entertainment.

Should I attend this event with a guide from Cappadocia?

    It is advantageous to attend a Turkish Night Show with a guide due to the advantages the guide might provide you due to the reputation a guide has in Cappadocia. When a guide is by you it is easy to ask for more beverages and also the guide can inform the participant or participants about the traditions so the visitors can participate with ease. In conclusion a guide can enhance your experience on a large scale.

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