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Kappadokien Heißluftballon-Beobachtungstour

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Kappadokien Heißluftballon-Beobachtungstour

  • Tätigkeit
  • 2,5 Hours
  • Photo-friendly
  • 27. Juli - 31. Dezember
  • Max. Personen: 10
  • Abholung und Rückgabe: Hotel

 Kappadokien Heißluftballon-Beobachtungstour


    Cappadocia is mesmerizing in every way, but it is especially beautiful when colorful balloons take flight while the sun rises slowly and illuminates Cappadocia’s magical landscape with the start of dawn.

    The Cappadocia Hot-Air Balloon Watching Tour, gives the opportunity to experience this beautiful event, take amazing pictures and relax in a calm ambiance. At dawn, you can see how the colorful balloons are prepared for flight, then you will be taken to an amazing viewpoint depending on the balloons flight route.

    Travellers will be picked up from their hotel for this relaxing group activity. The time will be around dawn, around this time period the air is very likely to be very fresh and cool. While ground crews prepare hot-air balloons for the flight the travellers will be taken to a beautiful viewpoint.  Travellers will be able to witness all stages of how a hot-air balloon takes flight from a panoramic view. 

    Despite Cappadocia having many touristic places and attractions in different touristic fields it has the most renownance for its colorful and majestic hot-air balloons. We can attribute the reason why this situation is like this to the fact that such an event cannot be held outside certain parts of the world due to reasons such as weather conditions, lack of landing and take-off points, inability to present visuals and lack of demand.

    Cappadocia is the best hot-air balloon flight location in the world as it offers a unique panoramic beauty  as well as best conditions that facilitate take-off and landing, thanks to the favorable weather conditions and diversity of geomorphological characteristics.

    The nature of Cappadocia is mostly untouched and care is taken to keep it that way, for this reason the air is fresh and clean especially at dawn. The vegitation and sponge rock formations have huge parts of its freshness, the collaboration of these two factors will definetly give the travellers the  refreshment they seek. 

    Pros of booking for a Cappadocia Hot-Air Balloon Watching Tour;

  1. In the early hours of the day, close to dawn, the travellers can watch the sunrise by looking at a beautiful sky filled with colorful balloons while enjoying the freshness of the air. 

  2. Travellers can also capture special and unique photographic frames for their social media accounts or just for remembrance.

Pick-ups & drop-offs to your hotel are included.

Your exact pick-up time will be given to the travellers one day before your Hot-Air Balloon Watching activity starts.

Im Preis inbegriffen

  • Pick up & drop off to hotel
  • Steuer


Is Cappadocia Hor-Air Balloon Watching an activity or a tour?

    Cappadocia Hot-Air Balloon Watching Tour is a short activity made like a tour. 

    It is done like a tour that is why it has the “tour” word in it but the short amount of time to finish makes this event to be evaluated as an activity. Overall Cappadocia Hot-Air Balloon Watching Tour is a very fun and refreshing activity filled with astounding sceneries.

Is Cappadocia Hot-Air Balloon Watcing Tour private?

    This activity is made as a group activity, it also can be made private but the price gets redundantly high.

    Under right circumstances it is better to participate as a group for this activity. For more social people it is better to go on this activity as a group due to it might give the travellers to meet new travellers like them. For quite shy people we can assure you that noone will bother our travellers unless the travellers want to.

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