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متوفرة: مجموعات 1
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  • احجز بوديعة 20% فقط - احجز الآن، وادفع الباقي عند الوصول
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Sunrise Hiking-Watch Colorful Balloons

  • النشاط
  • 2 Hours
  • 29 يوليو - 31 ديسمبر
  • Photo-Friendly
  • الدليل
  • الالتقاء والتوصيل: الفندق
  • Guiding Language : English & German

Sunrise Hiking with Balloon Watching

    Sunrise Hiking is an activity with a calming hike at dawn, untill you reach a panoramic viewpoint where you can witness Cappadocia’s beautiful nature while the sky is filled with colorful balloons. The Sunrise Hiking is made private.


Activity Plan;

 You will start this activity half an hour before dawn from your hotel.

✔ Then a hike from Red Valley will lead to Çavuşin.

✔ From Çavuşin a tour vehicle will pick you up, to get you to Love Valley Panorama.

✔ While you are at the Love Valley Panorama you can enjoy the magical view of Cappadocia at sunrise.

✔ Transfer to your hotel.



If the Hot-Air Balloon flights are cancelled on your reserved day you can still enjoy the hike and the panoramic view or you can delay your activity on a day which the Hot-Air Balloons take flight. It is necessary to point out that on some occasions the balloons may not take flight for days or week due to weather conditions.

السعر يشمل

  • الاستقبال في الفندق والتوصيل من وإلى الفندق
  • مركبة تكييف للنقل
  • Hike Tour Guide
13 المسافرون يفكرون في هذه الجولة الآن!
احجز الآن
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